Pilot Homes
Langner Residence
East Hill, Vernon BC
Desire to reduce their carbon footprint and encourage their neighbours to pursue this option for themselves.
3,684 sq ft home built in 1978
Retrofits: July 2024
Total annual solar power generation:
14,908 kWh
Total emissions saved:
4 tons per year
What was most important
The Langners have a young family and they wanted to be responsible role models for their children and neighbours.
Clean energy solutions
Cold climate air source heat pump with a new natural gas backup furnace
Hybrid electric hot water tank
Solar photovoltaic system to power all appliances and new heating equipment
A sub panel was required, but not a service upgrade
Energy monitoring system
Attic insulation was added to improve energy efficiency
Challenges that arose
The next door neighbour’s property has a tree that casts a shadow over the solar panels which reduces their solar power generation significantly. After a discussion with the neighbour to trim the tree, the Langners decided to proceed with the retrofit.
Does a shower feel different when the water is heated with energy from the sun vs the unending maze of gas lines under the infrastructure of towns and cities?
The answer is unequivocally YES!!!
Does the heat and cooling feel different coming from the depths of the Earth vs the same unending maze of gas lines?