Pilot Homes
Montgomery Residence
Foothills, Vernon BC
Desire to reduce greenhouse emissions and utility expenses.
4,269 sq ft home built in 2006
Retrofits: July 2024
Total annual solar power generation:
13,666 kWh
Total emissions saved:
4 tons per year
What was most important
Rob Montgomery is a volunteer fire fighter who knows first hand the effects of climate change. He is passionate about energy efficiency and energy savings. He completed an in-depth analysis of the HomeZero offer with multiple scenarios, along with cost savings as he won’t need to
replace his existing heating/cooling systems.
Clean energy solutions
Cold climate air source heat pump a new natural gas backup furnace
Hybrid electric hot water tank
Solar photovoltaic system to power all appliances and new heating equipment
Level 2 EV charging outlet
Energy monitoring system
Challenges that arose
The Montgomery residence has a hot water recirculation system that provides instant hot water on all the taps. This posed a challenge to the heat pump based hot water heating system while it was running in energy saving mode. A change was made to the high demand mode which also introduces electrical heating elements in addition to heat pump heating. Analysis is currently underway on the energy savings.
Does a shower feel different when the water is heated with energy from the sun vs the unending maze of gas lines under the infrastructure of towns and cities?
The answer is unequivocally YES!!!
Does the heat and cooling feel different coming from the depths of the Earth vs the same unending maze of gas lines?